Although liability car insurance is a must in different states, you will come across drivers behind the wheel without any insurance. You will also come across some startling facts while analyzing the statistics of road accidents. Even though you may be a responsible driver following the rules of the road, you may still be susceptible to accidents when your vehicle collides with those that the uninsured drivers handle. For instance, when you stop at the traffic intersection and wait for the green light to turn on, a car may hit your vehicle suddenly from behind causing serious back injuries along with some amount of damage to your vehicle. Consulting with an Injury Lawyer in Chatham will let you know what to do when an uninsured driver hits you from behind.
Contacting the police
You can sustain injuries in a car accident whether the other person has insurance but whatever it may be, it is essential to call the police to notify the accident. More importantly, you should call the police as the report that they file can help you later to obtain the amount of compensation. However, you must call the police immediately after the accident to allow them to study the impact properly to compile the report. However, when it comes to the collection of the document the police have compiled after observing the site of the accident, it is a reliable Injury Lawyer in Chatham who can get the report from the police to make the insurance claim.
Information and pictures
You may not get the insurance information from the uninsured driver, but do not forget to collect the contact details of the person responsible for the act of negligence. The witnesses present at the site of the accident can provide a lot of information as well, and recording their statements can help you construct the case later. Whether it is to capture the details of the damage done to your vehicle during the accident or to show how an insured driver has wrecked your vehicle, the role of pictures is significant. Furthermore, you should also take the pictures of the number plate and the vehicle of the uninsured driver as the details come handy when an Injury Lawyer in Chatham will help you make a claim.
Obtaining medical treatment
Even though you have suffered from minor injuries during the accident, it is extremely important to obtain medical treatment after the injury. It is only when the doctor examines your condition that the jury will consider the case to be serious enough to obtain compensation. Not going to the doctor implies that your injuries are not serious enough for getting compensation from the insurance company. Asking your Injury Lawyer in Chatham will also reveal the significance of the first visit and the follow-ups in the chamber of the doctor.
Filing the claim
Usually, you need to file the claim within thirty days of the accident and carry the policy number and remember the location, date, and time of the accident during the procedure.The claim provider will also ask for the insurance information of the other driver but when your vehicle crashes with an uninsured motorist, you must provide the contact details. The insurance coverage in this case applies to the limits of the policy. For more information visit here: AB Personal Injury Lawyer
Contacting the police
You can sustain injuries in a car accident whether the other person has insurance but whatever it may be, it is essential to call the police to notify the accident. More importantly, you should call the police as the report that they file can help you later to obtain the amount of compensation. However, you must call the police immediately after the accident to allow them to study the impact properly to compile the report. However, when it comes to the collection of the document the police have compiled after observing the site of the accident, it is a reliable Injury Lawyer in Chatham who can get the report from the police to make the insurance claim.
Information and pictures
You may not get the insurance information from the uninsured driver, but do not forget to collect the contact details of the person responsible for the act of negligence. The witnesses present at the site of the accident can provide a lot of information as well, and recording their statements can help you construct the case later. Whether it is to capture the details of the damage done to your vehicle during the accident or to show how an insured driver has wrecked your vehicle, the role of pictures is significant. Furthermore, you should also take the pictures of the number plate and the vehicle of the uninsured driver as the details come handy when an Injury Lawyer in Chatham will help you make a claim.
Obtaining medical treatment
Even though you have suffered from minor injuries during the accident, it is extremely important to obtain medical treatment after the injury. It is only when the doctor examines your condition that the jury will consider the case to be serious enough to obtain compensation. Not going to the doctor implies that your injuries are not serious enough for getting compensation from the insurance company. Asking your Injury Lawyer in Chatham will also reveal the significance of the first visit and the follow-ups in the chamber of the doctor.
Filing the claim
Usually, you need to file the claim within thirty days of the accident and carry the policy number and remember the location, date, and time of the accident during the procedure.The claim provider will also ask for the insurance information of the other driver but when your vehicle crashes with an uninsured motorist, you must provide the contact details. The insurance coverage in this case applies to the limits of the policy. For more information visit here: AB Personal Injury Lawyer